Thursday, December 17, 2009

State of Emotion

I did this drawing as a part of my final project for my drawing II class. It's the biggest "polished" i guess you could say, drawing i've ever done. it's 30"x 22" done in charcoal.

It was the biggest pain ever to scan, 12 different scans that i had to put together!


  1. Natural talent!!!! You are awesome! I love your work. This is a powerful piece. The detail is amazing and the softness of it is intriguing as well.

  2. I have only worked with charcoal a few times, but mainly for figural, quick drawings. How do you control the charcoal and how do you keep the highlight areas white when working a composition like this? I am curious and would appreciate some input - as I have stated previously, I am mainly self taught in all of my mediums. I look forward to some info.

  3. Thank you. Charcoal is my favorite medium. I use charcoal sticks for the bigger areas and charcoal pencils for the details. I blend a lot with cotton balls and paper towels. For the white areas I use a kneaded eraser, which i think is the biggest help, for really fine highlights I cut sharp pieces of harder erasers and basically draw with those.
