Saturday, December 12, 2009

Photo Final

So this is my final for my photography class. Series of 10 images. It's due Monday and is worth 40% of the final grade. Looking at it now compared to my other photos i took this semester, i'm not too happy with the print quality. they all look pretty flat, so i may possible be screwed because i can't reprint and mount 10 pictures now.

I've always been a fan of photography, but i always felt like you didn't really have to be gifted to take a picture. After taking photo I have a new found respect for photography. There is a lot more that goes into it than i thought, especially developing and printing your own film, it sucks and i kinda hate it. I;m basically over it though and i just really hope i can pull off an A in the class!


  1. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner about starting your own blog. This is excellent, I will follow your ASU art career. I have told you before and will tell you again, you are EXTREMELY talented. All of your work is always well crafted, executed with style and filled with beautiful chiaroscuro ( art history 102 my friend). If ever I need a subject to draw, I will have to hit you up for one of your photos to work from. I hope you got an A!! I know you did in 3D - you always had top notch projects. I'll keep an eye on your blog, and thanks for your comments on mine. I am going to post your blog link on mine! Community of artists, that's what we're building here.

  2. thank you! i'm happy to report the critique for this went pretty well. i pick up my project on Thursday so i will know what i got on it then. the critique was pretty disappointing though, there was about 14 students and we only had 2 hours for the critique so everyone's was extremely rushed. we spent all this time on the project for such a short amount of time for feedback.

  3. So what did you get for a grade? Just curious- I think they are beautiful photo compositions.

  4. I just picked up my project today and i got an A on the project and in the class!
