Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So I'm trying really hard to get started on a series because I need one for my portfolio and I'm having a hard time coming up with what i want to do. I have a general idea, which is a start, but I like most of my work to be conceptual. I also like my stuff to be surreal. Problem is i need multiple references, and even when i get my idea, it's not always easy to find references that will work. I'm trying to keep it simple and something i can finish in a reasonable amount of time, but the more i think about the harder I'm making it for myself, but then I need to think about it because I'm setting a goal for myself to get the series done before break is over. I only want to do 3 pieces. This is the the part of the process i hate the most.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Still life

Two more still life drawings from my drawing I class. Now that I have finally gotten a lot of the stuff i have been needing to get scanned done, I'm finally going to start on some new stuff. It's weird though, I didn't take a drawing class this semester and I feel like I haven't drawn in forever, because I really haven't. It seems kinda foreign to me now. I love all different mediums, but not drawing for so long, it's weird to think that's what I actually do. I'm sure I'll be pretty rusty.


These are some things I made on the wheel when I took ceramics in high school. I love working with clay and I'm actually taking a ceramics class this upcoming semester so I'm definitely looking forward to that.

State of Emotion

I did this drawing as a part of my final project for my drawing II class. It's the biggest "polished" i guess you could say, drawing i've ever done. it's 30"x 22" done in charcoal.

It was the biggest pain ever to scan, 12 different scans that i had to put together!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Photo Final

So this is my final for my photography class. Series of 10 images. It's due Monday and is worth 40% of the final grade. Looking at it now compared to my other photos i took this semester, i'm not too happy with the print quality. they all look pretty flat, so i may possible be screwed because i can't reprint and mount 10 pictures now.

I've always been a fan of photography, but i always felt like you didn't really have to be gifted to take a picture. After taking photo I have a new found respect for photography. There is a lot more that goes into it than i thought, especially developing and printing your own film, it sucks and i kinda hate it. I;m basically over it though and i just really hope i can pull off an A in the class!


Three different projects from my photography I class i took this semester.

3D Design

These are some of my favorite projects from the 3D design class i took this semester. The stop motion animation was probably my favorite, the video is of the whole classes animations, mine is towards the end.


These are things i did during my first year at ASU. The stuff comes from my 2D design, color, drawing I, and drawing II classes, except for the portrait, which wasn't for class.

High Shcool Stuff

These are some of my favorite works that i did in high school.

First Post!

My name is Orlando Mendoza and I am a drawing major at ASU. I'm currently a sophomore and yeah, i will be using this blog to show my artwork.