Sunday, January 17, 2010


I'm such a slacker. School is going to start and i didn't finish my series like i had hoped, go figure. I'm almost done with this first one, but here are some pictures of the drawing and my process. The way i draw is kinda weird, i've never really seen anyone draw the way i do so i'll try to explain. once i have my initial pencil outline, i start with the charcoal. i work in layers. I like to block everything in with a middle gray tone, and then from there i add another layer with the darker areas , and then i erase for the highlights. after that i give it a spray of fixative and go over the darks, and i basically just repeat that for however much it needs. I don't work from left to right or start with one area, i'm kinda just all over the place. It basically looks like shit until i add the final layer and it starts to come together towards the end. I think i'll post the finished scan when i have all 3 done, which hopefully is sooner than later.


  1. It must take you forever to get a drawing! I like the amount of detail you put into a piece. The angles in the window are quite believable. You have a better sketch technique than I do. My base cartoon-rough is very, very rough! I like being able to see the movement in the horse. I look forward to the finished series.

  2. thanks. I finished it yesterday and i'm pretty happy with the result. this drawing took me a lot longer than i wanted, but that's probably because i was being pretty lazy with it, but they usually don't take me too long even though my process is pretty lengthy. And my base outline is the most important part. that's probably what takes me the longest. it's like the foundation and if that isn't right, the rest of the drawing wont turn out good.
