Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So I'm trying really hard to get started on a series because I need one for my portfolio and I'm having a hard time coming up with what i want to do. I have a general idea, which is a start, but I like most of my work to be conceptual. I also like my stuff to be surreal. Problem is i need multiple references, and even when i get my idea, it's not always easy to find references that will work. I'm trying to keep it simple and something i can finish in a reasonable amount of time, but the more i think about the harder I'm making it for myself, but then I need to think about it because I'm setting a goal for myself to get the series done before break is over. I only want to do 3 pieces. This is the the part of the process i hate the most.


  1. I share in your agony - Your series will be awesome for sure! You do excellent work and because you sweat the details so much and worry over the work, it always comes out excellent. Trust your instincts, think it over a thousand times and then like the Nike add - Just do it!! Be sure to post some images; I look forward to seeing the series finished. It would be cool to see it in stages too!

  2. thanks, i feel like I almost have my idea. I will definitely post pics of the process once i get going

  3. Great, I look forward to it! Happy New Year!
