Thursday, December 16, 2010

Painting I

Here are the other two paintings I did for my painting class. Our final project was the tromp l'oeil painting. i chose to do something a little more conceptual by framing a paper airplane. The frame has a couple of glaze layers on it to give it a more shiny effect. for the time i finished it in, i'm pretty happy with the result.

This is the apples glazing project. I had a really hard time with the underpainting in acrylic, because it was drying so fast and i couldn't get the paint to do what i wanted it to do, so i basically just rushed through it. I liked the way the glazing itself turned out though. There's about 7 or 8 layers of glaze on it.

Overall, I learned a lo in the class and I definitely want to try some more paintings in the future.


  1. Your tromp l'oeil painting is amazing - a lot of work in a short period of time. In the apple painting, I really like the glazing on the back green apple as well. You should definitely go further with painting!

  2. Thank You!! it was really hard to get a decent picture of the tromp l'oeil because the glaze was so shiny. But I definitely want to do some more paintings, i liked it a lot.

  3. If you ever get to take painting II with Pomilio, you will get the opportunity to paint more of what you would want to paint. You still start out with still life (practice skills) paintings, but then he allows you to kind of search out what you want to paint. In his class, you will also learn a lot about working with solvents, glazing, wet-into-wet. You will also be challenged to work quickly and paint many paintings.
