Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feel like one

I 've basically been working on smaller stuff this summer. I wanted to work on things that wouldn't take me forever to finish because i really have very little motivation or patience as of lately. I've mainly been sketching, or doodling actually, so I have come up with a few ideas for projects that i want to eventually do. It's just really hard for me to just create for some reason. I feel like if I do something it has to be a good finished polished product or else it's not worth doing. i don't know why i can't get over it and just experiment and try new things even if it ends up coming out horrible. So this is me slowly starting to do that. I did this little drawing with charcoal on colored paper, there was also some ink and paint used, and then i messed with the colors in photoshop.


  1. Very Cool!!! Great to see that you have been working over the summer. I think it is hard to do work if other people are watching and wanting to see it. I think it would be great to have a private studio where all the work, good and bad, can be done, then catalogued and put away for future use, to study again for other ideas and just to test out new materials. It's very hard to create and have it look awful! Much of my stuff has ended up in the dumpster! But you don't ever need to throw yours in the dumpster...all your work is excellent and inventive. Keep moving forward and keep creating- you are an extremely talented person!!!

  2. Thank you! Yeah, I definitely wish I had my own studio space to work in. I work at my desk which is a pretty small work area. I wish I had a space where I didn't have to worry about making a mess or cleaning stuff up every time I just want to work for a little bit of time.

  3. Isn't it frustrating! It takes so much energy just to get the ideas together and then you have to spend another hour just getting the supplies out and - well then is the idea, the feeling, the creativity still there..? I have so many art boards, paper, pencils, paint etc. tucked away in so many little spaces. I have a hard time remembering where everything is. Studio space - ahhh the dream.
