Thursday, December 16, 2010

Drawing III

I ended up liking my drawing class by the end of the semester. I produced a lot of stuff, and even though the majority of it isn't anything great, or anything i really like that much, I learned a lot.

Having to explain these projects is gonna make my head hurt, but I'll do my best. For our final project we had to do two drawings, and divide the picture plane at least two more times than just the paper itself. the two drawings are supposed to function as one big drawing and the assignment was based on a thematic idea. So my theme for this ended up being order and chaos. It was originally supposed to be inside and outside, but somehow it evolved into this. There was a lot more guidelines we had to follow but that's the gist of it. each piece of paper is 22 x 30 so they're pretty big.

This was a pretty quick color project we did. we had to use two objects that related to each other and make them look old and new by use of color. again, it's four different pieces of paper but it's supposed to work as one drawing. I used and apple and an apple cutter for my objects. each piece is 11 x 15 and done in pastel and colored pencil.

This project was also multiple drawings that are meant to work as one big drawing. the theme was daily rituals so i chose driving as my daily ritual. we were supposed to create a pattern with some drawings predominantly light/dark. each piece of paper is 11 x 15.


  1. This was a lot of work - I'm glad the class improved over the semester. Your drawings are great!

  2. Thanks! i decided to just try and make the most of it and not be so bitter because none of the projects were things that I would really set out to do myself. I found out towards the end that i didn't have to feel so constricted by all of the guidelines for each project and could actually do stuff i was more interested in, so hopefully next semester i can do some drawings i'm really proud of.

  3. I'm glad you were able to find your way in the class. I hope next semester allows you to use your skills and build on a portfolio that reflects your personality and art goals.

  4. Me too. I'm gonna have to work really hard and focus next semester to get some great portfolio pieces.
