Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Animal Animal Animal

Wow, so I've kinda been not as productive as I wanted to be this summer, but I have accomplished some stuff. I've had a wacom tablet for a few years but have never really used it that much, so one of my goals this summer was to learn how to paint/airbrush digitally. I tried it out a little bit but didn't create anything amazing. It's pretty difficult for me and will take some time to get down, so I hope I eventually get better at it. Here is my first ever painting attempt. It's an owl!!!!

I also wanted to do some real painting. Once again I didn't really get around to doing it but I did manage to pull this little painting together. It's done in acrylics on some scrap wood and it's of a snake!!!

Nothing amazing here but I just wanted to try these mediums out and see what I could do.

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