Monday, February 22, 2010

Life Drawing

my life drawing class has been going ok, it's not the best class ever and i'm not loving it as much as i wanted to. we started out using charcoal, and than black and white, and then added brown with those, and then we did pastel, and now we're using ink. it's cool that we are trying out different mediums but once i feel like i kinda get the hang of it we change to something new.

i havn't really gotten much worthy of posting but this one. we usually have two models and one of them is always the same girl, and this may sound weird but i don;t like drawing her and none of my drawings of her ever come out good :/ this drawing isn't of her, that's why i don't hate this one. there is some really talented people in the class though, i still have a long way to go for sure.

1 comment:

  1. I will be taking life drawing next semester. I really like your work! Very well executed.
