Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Too Much Noise In My Head

Here is the series I did in my drawing class. The idea for this is an extension of the first two drawings i did in the class. It's pretty conceptual and I'm really happy with it overall. I tried things I've never done with these. From the way i drew to the whole process of how i approached everything, i really pushed myself with the series.

Wheel Throwing

I took wheel throwing this semester, and I really liked the class. Ceramics is really fun and just comes naturally to me. It doesn't stress me out nearly as much as drawing does so it's nice to be able to take it.

Here is all the stuff I made this semester.

And here are some of my favorites

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Drawing IV

I really liked my drawing class this semester because I did some really good drawings in the class. We had the freedom this semester to basically do whatever we wanted.

The first assignment was to choose two elements and do two drawings. The elements I chose were streetlights and mannequins. You can see how blendy these ones are, before the instructor from my other class made those comments. the second one was already in progress when he had said that, so you can tell I started to incorporate more marks into it. Although luckily, my instructor for this class has no issue with blending and she says neither way of drawing is right or wrong, so i'm thankful for that.

Life Drawing III

I can't believe I didn't post anything the entire semester. I'm definitely just ridiculously lazy. However, my semester went really well. I'm really happy with the stuff i produced from all of my studios.

I feel I've grown a lot as an artist and a lot of it is due to my life drawing class. When i draw it's usually by blending everything. It's very tonal and smooth because that's just the way i see things and it's what i like. My instructor I had this semester however, hated the way I drew. He said it looked liked "smokey crap" and that people who blend are insecure. He said it wasn't what he likes to look at at. So since he's in control of my grade, I decided it would be wise to start drawing in a way that he didn't hate, which is by using lines and mark making.

It was the first time I've really experienced legitimate criticism so I felt really confused because no one has ever said anything about my blending before. I deciding not to worry about it too much because I know that I can draw both ways.

here is an exapmle of one of the first drawings I did in the class, very blendy.

And here is the new way I draw in his class.